To My Husband on His 40th Birthday

Posted: June 13, 2007 in Family/Kids
To My Husband on His 40th Birthday 
I remember the day I graduated high school
That was the day you turned Twenty-One
I simply cannot believe all the years
That have come…and gone
Nineteen years later
I have a hard time believing
What an extraordinary marriage
We are effectively achieving
If our family and friends really new
All that we’ve truly been through
They would wonder how you ever stayed with me
Or I with you
You are my friend, my lover, my hero, my “McGuiver”
If given the chance you’d easily win the million on Survivor
It’s your charisma, your charm, your humor, and soft heart
Those incredible blue eyes that when they see something sad, fall apart
It’s how you love me,
Despite all my faults
And if it’s something that would make me happy
You’d even learn how to waltz
I love you so much more at forty
Than I did when you were twenty one
I think I just may have hit
The big Home Run
So here is to believing
And knowing something’s true
You are 40-years YOUNG
And I couldn’t be more thankful
To be with you!
I love you and all the hard work has been so worth it.  We stand strong as a couple against all those who think marriage should be easy.  It takes a lot more than just love.  It takes Time, effort, patience, understanding, commitment, and forgiveness.  Thank you for all of those things. 

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